So pleased that I've been able to blog pretty often - I hope it stays that way too. At least tests aren't clumped together like they did last semester, which hopefully means more free time to paint more complex designs and blog about them.
This design was inspired by a tutorial I watched a few days ago by Chelsea's Get Nailed. They were quick to do, and didn't need much drying time since I used tiny amounts of colour for both the flowers and leaves. The camera prolly doesn't catch it very well, but I also added glitter over the black base before I drew the flowers on. I wanted to give it a bit of dimension instead of leaving it flat and black. You can see them slightly better in the next shot.
I also had time to paint another strip of false nails! Gave it a frosty nebula with glitter just around the whites to make them look more like stars. In a real nebula, stars cluster around the middle anyway. Perhaps I'll paint 2 more designs and finally open my etsy shop.
Been wanting to try out a houndstooth design, so I think I'm making that my next tutorial. Till then!